Precious' Not So Secret Diary started in January 2019. Originally, this blog was just a place where I would share my thoughts and feelings on topics like mental health and sixth form. To my surprise, it instantly became popular and two years later, I was speaking to 700+ people about education, God, food, adulting, mental health, etc. In 2021, I took a year break from my blog because I didn't feel passionate about what I was doing anymore. However, as I've taken a few steps more on my path to fulfilling my purpose, I've realised the impact I want to make. The adult world is a scary place and in this new direction, we hope to provide a safe space for at least one person. So what is my niche? my story? Well in short, pnotsosecret hopes to assist young people with succeeding and achieving their higher education and career goals. I especially want to help those who come from lower socio-economic backgrounds like myself and be the guide that I had to be for myself growing up.

Since graduating from Law last year, I have done quite a few things. This includes a summer internship at an US law firm and working as a Business Analyst for the Ministry of Justice as a fast streamer civil servant. I recently started working at KPMG as a technology consultant. On the side I am a creative: I love creative writing, graphic design and blogging. But aside all of that, I am a girl of simple pleasures: I love adventure & trying new things, making fun memories with my friends & family, filmography and I'm a big foodie . Lol, I also love making money!!

Whew, the career life hasn't been easy. Originally, I had my mind set on one thing and one thing only: commercial law. But as I've started asking myself those important questions, I have since decided to pursue things I find fulfilling rather than what I think I should do. I haven't made a law firm application since 2021, but it is not a dream I have abandoned. I have rather expanded my horizons and pursued everything that I love. I am exploring and gaining experience for career paths in industries such as such as Technology, Government & Law and will not be defining my career pathany time soon.

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It's up to you how PNSSD fits into your journey! Whenever you are feeling anxious or need that extra-help, I am here to help you along the way and connect you with people in similar paths as you. Feel free to personally message me with any queries you may have too.

It is alway nice when someone asks me questions from my blog either for themselves or on behalf of someone else who is interested. I am thankful to those who spread the word and encourage you to keep doing so - you never know who may need it!