From a young age, I have always loved writing and it's a passion I still have today, however, due to things like A levels and other commitments, that passion has taken less priority in my life but I don't want it to be like that. If you really love something, you will find time for it and this is what I have decided to start doing today. The world has become such a beautiful and unpredicatable entity that it has become virtually impossible for me not to share what I think about it and create a place in it for myself. The things I have learnt in the past two years, have been life changing and my knowledge continues to expand everyday, therefore I have decided to create this blog because my mind is overflowing with things I just cannot keep to myself, all whilst doing what I love. With this blog, I wish to inspire, educate and create a dialogue between myself and others. This blog will not be restricted to one thing and in this, I will be giving you an inisght into the perplexing, yet beautiful mind of Precious Odunaiya. Thank you for reading and supporting me, enjoy.