Public Service Announcement: I’m FREEEEEEE!! Free from the shackles of A levels, your girl is FREEEE.
And it’s only right I give a little review of my journey to the end- all of the good and the bad, with a few photos and shoutouts.

To be honest, I don’t really know where to start so it’s literally just going to be an outpour of thoughts as I write this- first shoutout to my boy Wordsworth. #MemoriesRecollectedInTranquility #EdexcelEnglishAreOpps
So let’s start with relationships. For me, I felt like I learnt “everything” about how to go about relationships from like year 11 so these last two years were more about picking the right ones. However, I would say that year 12 taught me a lot about about being okay with my own space: unlike secondary school when I had a clique, in which we did everything together, my friends in six form had their own pursuits, own lives, own agendas, etc, and so everything seemed a lot more distant. It was a very hard experience made worse by the fact that coming from a comprehensive school, work and the work ethic I needed was just too much.
However, year 13 made me realise that relationships isn’t something that should be forced and you can’t try and enter one with a ‘picture‘ in mind. The unexpected relationships I’ve developed made me realise that people will gravitate to you naturally and I need to give everyone a chance, the people who have shown me the most love are nothing like I could’ve imagined.
Shoutout to some of the the most unexpected:
I did lose from friends either because they weren't cultivating or I was petty or they were petty and it's kinda sad because I do miss some of them and I wish them nothing but love and success. hashtag bye felicia xx
These past few years have also been so rewarding:

1. I was Vice Captain of my school
2. Yo girl got an interview to Cambridge
3. I ran a Christian Society (having a platform to share the Word of God was a beautiful thing for me)
4. I got an A*AA prediction for uni!!
- Guys I basically ran my school and finessed everyone and everything, so there is just too much to list
However, sometimes, despite these rewarding moments I did find myself at the lowest points in my life and my mental health was so weak. In all honesty, what really got myself out of these moments was myself and God because no one really understood it and it wasn't their fault. BUT I want to thank those who made moments worthwhile (HASHTAG SHOUTOUT NUMBER THREE):
- JOE LEE!! Ben, Adam, Ugo, Michael, Fatima, Mzo and Prince
On to WORK. I saw this girl post some long message on twitter and it was too negative for me to read completely but she was basically complaining about A levels and how hellish (is that a word?) it was and how the government are opps and it lowkey annoyed me because, though A levels are hard, it is what you make it (as my girl Hannah Montana would say) and I feel like her post made others think like her. FIAT 500 gals are sooo negative, eurgh.
I will admit, A levels was the hardest thing I have done in my life and I wish to do nothing like it again: it was physically and mentally draining and I lowkey highkey felt like I was in a prison; "mind-forg'd manacles" like my boy Blake would say.
HOWEVER, HOWEVER!!!!!....... I am so grateful for it. A levels made me work the hardest I have ever worked and not only shown me I am capable of great things but has left me with a 'nugget' on how to stay on top in uni. The me with year 12 work ethic vs me with May-June 2019 work ethic are too completely different people and I needed pressure to transform into the beginning of this great woman I am going to be.
- Deep it, in year 12 I always did homework the day it was due and spent the first few months of the year binge-watching 13 reasons why and like 5 seasons of Homeland, now, if I someone was to tell me to do that I would say. "EHH? HENJOYMENT?"
A levels is really make or break and not to @ anyone but if you let it be the mastery over you, which you do by accepting defeat and having a reductive and negative mindset, work in MagDonNads because, sis, you are not ready for the real world. You will compromise with everything in life and stay in. the. same. position.
Shoutout to some of the most hard-working people I have EVER EVER met, these guys encouraged me so much to work hard (either out of jealousy of their continuous success or words of motivation and resilience):
OHOHOHHOHOH. OH. These years actually also tested my patience. if it wasn't for the 10 commandments, I would have boxed someone by now because boy. Too many things vexed me and too, too many people tried me. Weirdly, though, a quality I have developed is advocacy. A gem I've picked up (gem? picked up? why do I sound so fresh, what colloquialism am I using please?) is to always always always be an advocate for people. In those times that try you, thinking the best of a person/situation- making excuses for them- in your head will greatly impact how you deal with things. With me, I am so quick to fall out with someone, get annoyed at people, etc, and I realised that when I started being an advocate for people I was less annoyed, less stressed and may times it turned out that the people I wasting energy on in being annoyed with them were going through some tough times. Even if people or situations are not good, help yourself out 'by thinking of both sides'.
I don't really want to write anymore because I would rather develop some things as like separate blogs, but yeah these years were aight but no more please.
- Acc wait, I was really saying this summer would be a Meg The Stallion szn but I am actually too fragile for that, so any yx chromosome that wishes to be doing any higgy hagga, gerrarra here man. However, indeed Bad B P will be unlocked. Fanks x
ANYHOOOO, have fun this summer guys I wish you all the best.

Smh caught me slacking in that photo😤!!
Been a great 2 years of sixth form anywayyy
p.s: ily xxx x
This is such a great piece and I’m glad that you have turned the negativity that surrounds A Levels into something which has pushed you to reach your potential❣️❣️